Downtown Bend: Listen to the Hand - The Art of Puppetry

An image of a puppet created by presenter Shere Coleman Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 3/13/2024
Start Time: 5:30 PM
End Time: 6:30 PM
 Come learn about Puppet Arts and enjoy a puppet story!

This is an in-person program. This program takes an academic look at puppetry, and is likely best suited for older youth and adults.
In a world of technically-driven complexity, you are invited into the woven hand-built world of Puppet Arts. Come for an hour of delight, exploring some of the ways puppets speak with us, through us, to us. These ancient and modern storytellers have enchanted and accompanied humans from ancient times to the present. What do they still have to say?

By way of demonstration, a puppet story will be presented and given a creative process tour of design and building steps. How does a story move from inspiration to becoming?

About the presenter:
Shere Coleman is a life-long artist as well as an oral storyteller of myth and legend to children, and of personal and historical stories to adults. Her BFA and later MaEd degrees formed the foundation to understand the connection between the creative realm and how we imagine and learn. An engaging decade working in stop motion animation furthered her understanding of modern forms of puppet art. Her travels to International Festival of the Marionette in Charleville Meziere, expanded the many layered realms of International Puppet Arts.

*Elsa* *Cr*
Library: Downtown Bend Public Library
Location: Brooks Room
Contact: Elsa Hager
Contact Number: 5413121062
Presenter: Shere Coleman