Downtown Bend: Writers Writing - Characters Who Resonate

Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 4/4/2024
Start Time: 5:30 PM
End Time: 7:00 PM
 Practice developing characters who resonate.

Registration is required.

Your characters often carry the emotion of a story. Does the reader love, hate, care about the character? And how does that happen - through physical description, personality, character traits? Are other characters used to serve as foils for the main characters? Come join us to practice developing characters who come alive on the page.

Bob Balmer’s writing has appeared in the Smithsonian, Golf Illustrated, ZYZZYVA, The Seattle Times, The Oregonian and other print media. It has aired on radio and television, and he has facilitated workshops in the Pacific Northwest and California. For more visit:

Library: Downtown Bend Public Library
Location: Brooks Room
Registration Ends: 4/3/2024 at 3:00 PM
Contact: Becca Reynolds
Contact Number: 541-312-1063
Presenter: Bob Balmer
Status: Closed
Please Note
  • Attendee MUST give 24 hour cancellation notice to allow others on the waiting list to attend.

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