East Bend: Know Gardens - Bunny Therapy and Coloring with Parsley

A picture of Parsley, the Therapy Bunny  Event Type: Children's Program
Age Group(s): All Ages
Date: 4/20/2024
Start Time: 12:45 PM
End Time: 2:15 PM
 Join therapy rabbit Parsley for some coloring fun!

All children must be accompanied by a caregiver.
Hop into the library and spend your day coloring and cuddling everyone's favorite garden animal: a rabbit! Both kids and adults can experience the stress relieving benefits and fun.

Parsley is a three-year-old lionhead rabbit. Ever since he was adopted, he's had a mellow personality and a natural inclination towards people. His owner, Sierra, decided this made him the perfect therapy animal and registered him through Pet Partners. He passed his test with flying colors and is so excited that he now gets to spend time at the local library.

Did you know a group of bunnies is called a fluffle? Sierra spends her time taking care of Parsley's fluffle as he has three other rabbit friends! When she's not cleaning the rabbit room, she can be found either teaching art at an elementary school or volunteering for the local bunny rescue Ember's Wildflower.

*cr* *Elsa*
Library: East Bend Public Library
Location: Meeting Room
Contact: Elsa Hager
Contact Number: 541-312-1062
Presenter: Sierra Enochs and Parsley