Downtown Bend: The Magic of Food Dehydration with School of Ranch

Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 7/14/2024
Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Time: 12:30 PM
 Get kids to eat their veggies by dehydrating food.

Registration is required. Materials provided.

Dehydrating food is magic. Did you know you can turn vegetables into powders? If you mix them into your kid's food, they'll never notice and get almost all the nutritional value! Shazam!

Join School of Ranch and learn the secrets of dehydrating food, including knowing the equipment needed, preparing different types of foods, avoiding food safety problems, and making magical powders. Bonus - take home a soup-in-a-jar sample!


Beth Covert is a food alchemist. Before leaving her artist career and moving here from Ohio six years ago, Beth studied up on desert gardening. On arrival, she became the garden department manager at a local retailer. When her suggestions to stock climate-appropriate plants went nowhere, she started High & Dry Garden Works, her own lab for propagating plants that can thrive with limited water, excessive sun and wind, and deer. Among the many things she grows are her own foodstuffs, which she now by magic makes into amazing new shapes and forms. If you call Beth, prepare for a conversation that goes something like, "Hold on a sec, I just discovered how to make dehydrated french fries and need to write it down!"

School of Ranch is a Central Oregon based 501c3 nonprofit. They hire experienced locals to teach practical homestead skills, live and in person. Beyond teaching skills and creating paying gigs, they help strengthen our community by providing common ground for people regardless of politics, background, age or beliefs.

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Library: Downtown Bend Public Library
Location: Brooks Room
Registration Ends: 7/15/2024 at 3:00 PM
Contact: Becca Reynolds
Contact Number: 541-312-1063
Presenter: School of Ranch
Link: Learn more about School of Ranch here.
Status: Openings

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